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HAVEN is a collaboration between families that thrives on creativity, respect and flexibility, celebrates its families' diverse learning approaches while cultivating authentic community support and establishing lifelong friendships.


Winter Basketball 2024

indicates a required answer

It is basketball time! 

This will be the first basketball season where our sports program is now under our parent organization- HAVEN homeschool collective. The season itself will be run much the same as in past winters. As we navigate this change, we appreciate your patience and understanding. 

You do NOT have to be a HAVEN member to participate in our sports program. We welcome ALL local home educating families to participate. We see this sports program as a catalyst for strengthening our local homeschooling community, offering physical activity and fun for our children, and providing networking opportunities for our local families. We appreciate your involvement.

HAVEN OG 's basketball practice day & time will be Fridays 1-2:30pm and the season will run from Friday, January 19th to Friday, March 15th.*

Our home gym is the Wiscasset Community Center. 242 Gardiner Rd, Wiscasset.

*There are two Fridays the gym is booked and we will have those off. Every family will be emailed a team calendar before the season begins. 

1. *

Parent Name

2. *

Parent mailing address

3. *

Parent email

4. *

Parent mobile number


Emergency contact (if different from primary parent)


Emergency contact mobile

7. *

Please list ALL children (first & last name & age) participating in the basketball season.

8. *

Please choose which age group your child(ren) will be participating in.

 (1 required)
6-9 10+
9. *

I am interested in (choose all that apply):

 (1 required)
coaching assistant coaching
joining the sports leadership team facilitating coach gifts
helping with the end of season team party
10. *

I understand that HAVEN's basketball program is volunteer run. As a fellow parent, I will help where I am able and offer solution-seeking, respectful communication to the coaches, administrators, other parents, referees, children in the program, siblings, staff at the gym and anyone involved on an opposing team (if we play games). 

I agree to be on time and when we are unable to attend a practice (or game), I will communicate our absence prior to the practice (or game) day to my children(s)'s coaches via the team's preferred method of communication. 

My children and I agree to all Code of Conduct and behavioural expectations outlined by HAVEN homeschool collective in their Community Guidebook as well as, the Basketball Handbook and any expectations communicated by opposing coaches, referees, game/event hosts and venues.

I promise to sign the Release of Liability Waiver for basketball as soon as it is emailed to me for each of my participating children. I understand that not signing this waiver forfeits my family's and children(s)'s ability to participate in the HAVEN basketball program.

 (1 required)
I agree and understand.

Thank you for your registration! You should receive a confirmation email shortly. Keep it for your records. We will check all participants through our roster on the first day of practice.

Basketball is $25 per child.

Please Paypal your family's total to this address: [email protected]