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HAVEN is a collaboration between families that thrives on creativity, respect and flexibility, celebrates its families' diverse learning approaches while cultivating authentic community support and establishing lifelong friendships.


Homeschooling Myths & Facts

Homeschooling Myths:

* It’s expensive.

* I can not work if I homeschool.

* My kids will not be prepared for the real world.

* Most people homeschool for religious reasons.

* The quality is inferior.

* My kids won’t be around other children.

* My kids won’t be involved in extracurricular activities and sports.

Homeschooling Truths:

* Homeschooling can be expensive but it can also be done for nearly free depending on the resources you choose.

* Many homeschooling parents work. Your homeschooling hours are flexible and can be done during the time that fits your families needs.

* Homeschool kids are in the real world everyday and are actually better prepared.

* People homeschool for various reasons many of which are not religious.

* The quality of education is superior because the parents are far more involved.

* Homeschool kids socialize regularly with their parents, relatives, friends, and community members. The social skills learned are healthier than the traditional school environment.

* There are greater opportunities for field trips, work study, interest learning as well as traditional extracurriculars such as sports.