I understand that HAVEN's soccer program is volunteer run. As a fellow parent, I will help where I am able and offer solution-seeking, respectful communication to the coaches, administrators, other parents, referees, children in the program, siblings, staff at the gym/field and anyone involved on an opposing team (if we play games).
I agree to be on time and when we are unable to attend a practice (or game), I will communicate our absence prior to the practice (or game) day to my children(s)'s coaches via the team's preferred method of communication.
My children and I agree to all Code of Conduct and behavioural expectations outlined by HAVEN homeschool collective in their Community Guidebook as well as, the Soccer Handbook and any expectations communicated by opposing coaches, referees, game/event hosts and venues.
I promise to sign the Release of Liability Waiver for soccer as soon as it is emailed to me for each of my participating children. I understand that not signing this waiver forfeits my family's and children(s)'s ability to participate in the HAVEN soccer program. (1 required) |